Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Technology Wednesday

1. When thinking about if I am a native, visitor, or resident, I would have to say that I am a visitor. For the majority of these tools, the only one I recognize is Weebly. The rest of the tools I have never seen or heard of it. It makes me want to learn about each and every one of them in order to have a more technological classroom. I live my tech life mostly with using Microsoft software and a few apps. I feel that its important for teachers to be exposed to different technological tools. This will allow them to be more successful with students and create a native technological aspect into students. 

2. Kahoot is one website that I absolutely adore when it comes to using tech tools to enhance student learning. I feel that students love to use their phones and this app allows them to do so. It does it in a way that the teacher can still keep track on how is participating and who is not. This app would be fun tool for a teacher to use before a test as a way to review with the student. This lets the students take some of the edge of nerves they might have and just review for a test in a fun way. I was only exposed to this app when I saw a student used it over the summer. I think teachers need to be brought up to speed and exposed to more useful apps like this one. 

3. I think I will always continue learning outside of school by being with other colleagues and in the actual teaching environment. I think more and more experience is what will benefit me most. I also think participating in NCTE and keeping up to date with the website will be super useful. I am actually going to the conference this November in Minneapolis :). I have actually also participated in the ed chats on twitter in the past. It was very enjoyable and I learned from other educators on their intake of what education is and should be. Finally, I will be sure to keep up with my Pinterest account with all of my teaching stuff and ideas in my folders. I think I will never out grow using this website. I plan almost everything on it. 

4. Having students write virtually will prepare them for the real world and in jobs. You never know what career path the student might take and writing virtually can only benefit them. I think using Prezi and Survey Monkey are extremely popular and should continued to be used in the classroom. These can be used for the rest of their life so having the knowledge now can help them expand more into it. I think that all of these websites listed can be good for students. Its important to expose them to numerous of websites because everyone has a different preference or personality that might get them to love that particular website. We learn as teachers that no student is the same, therefore we should not expect all students to love the same website. Giving them options can only be a positive, not a negative. 

5. I love the review that Jane Hart did on todays technology websites in the world. I felt that it was very on point into what we use today. This is one website that I will for sure bookmark because I was exposed to websites that I have never seen before. These are all tools that can only benefit the classroom and make it more diverse.

6. I have never seen this digital Bloom’s Taxonomy before. I feel that when a teacher is trying to implement one of the taxonomy’s, a teacher can look at this chart and can be able to implement technology with it too. It gives a better range of creativity for the teacher for their students. All of these are useful tools that can be used across the curriculum. 

7. I think that I will try all of these tools that I was exposed to. This is my goal because I want to be a teacher that exposes students to new ways of learning every day. I think thats important to keep students engaged and versatile. You want them to continue to grow and learn throughout their education and in their future life. I will be saving this document of all the tools for future reference and hope to continue to use them throughout my life in education. 


  1. I am so excited about the fact that you are going to NCTE! Congrats! Everyone should go. Everyone does seem to love Kahoot. It brings the energy up in a class. Don't get overwhelmed trying out all the tools. Sometimes you will fail with one tool one day and be successful with the same tool another. Let me know about your NCTE travel. I will be there Friday-Tuesday.

  2. YESS! I also consider myself a visitor of technology! I thought I was going to be the only one to fit under that category. But I'm glad to see I'm not. I wasn't familiar with 98% of the sites featured in the tech trek. I do agree with you--experience is the best teacher! I've learned a lot from my internship and service learning over the last 5 years!
